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Exploring Spamming Techniques

Have you ever pondered how individuals acquire access to bank logs, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, PayPal accounts, credit card details, email addresses, and various online accounts? Look no further, as I'll provide a brief overview and offer insights on mastering the art of spamming to generate substantial income. Towards the end, I offer a master class tutorial, presenting three distinct packages for your selection. Rest assured, each package guarantees 100% results when purchased.

Let's start by understanding the concept of spamming. According to Wikipedia:

Email spam, commonly known as unsolicited bulk email (UBE), junk mail, or unsolicited commercial email (UCE), refers to the practice of sending unwanted email messages, often with commercial content, to a wide range of recipients without their consent. In simpler terms, spamming entails sending bulk emails to inundate recipients or deceive them to earn significant profits.

Why do we engage in spamming?

1. Obtaining bank logs through spamming various banks.
2. Acquiring credit card details (CC) and fullz.
3. Gaining access to accounts such as PayPal, dating sites, etc.
4. Propagating malware like Zeus and keyloggers.

While there are numerous motives for spamming, these are among the most common.

Now that we understand what spamming entails and why it's done, let's delve into the techniques involved.

Before learning how to spam, it's essential to comprehend some key terms:

1. Leads: Leads refer to email lists, essentially synonymous with the term "email list." Leads, also known as email lists, consist of email addresses of individuals we intend to spam.

2. AMS (Advanced Mass Sender): A Windows-based tool used for spamming. With AMS, we can incorporate our SMTP, load our email lists (leads), add the email address from which emails will be sent (e.g., no-reply@chase.com for spamming Chase Bank), and insert our scam content.

3. Scam Pages: Also known as phishing pages, these are replicas of original pages used to extract logs from our victims.

4. Scam Letter: A fake email resembling an original email, tweaked to prompt victims to log in to our scam page, thereby enabling us to obtain their logs.

5. PHP Mailer: A script utilized for spamming leads, offering an alternative method of spamming without using AMS. With PHP Mailer, we bypass AMS and directly spam using this PHP script.

6. CPanel: The hosting panel of a website, utilized by site administrators to manage their websites. We use CPanel to host our scam pages. However, hosting providers typically prohibit scam pages on their servers, so we resort to using hacked CPanel accounts to host our pages.

7. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): An application running on a server, facilitating the transmission and reception of emails. We utilize SMTP to send emails to our victims.

Methods of Spamming:

There are two primary methods of spamming:

1. Spamming Via SMTP and AMS.
2. Spamming Via PHP Mailer.

Spamming Via SMTP and AMS:

This method comprises two parts:

1. Uploading scam pages via CPanel.
2. Loading leads into AMS, configuring SMTP, and commencing our spamming activities.

PART 1: Uploading scam pages via CPanel:

1. Log in to CPanel.
2. Navigate to the file manager.
3. Create a new folder named "site" and enter it.
4. Upload your scam page in ZIP format.
5. Return to the main CPanel page, select the uploaded file, and extract it.
6. Edit the PHP file to specify the email address where scam page logs will be sent.
7. Verify that the scam page functions correctly by accessing it through your CPanel website URL (e.g., www.abc.com/site/).

PART 2: Loading leads into AMS, configuring SMTP, and commencing spamming:

Note: Spamming is illegal, so use a remote desktop (RDP) for this purpose.

1. Connect to your RDP.
2. Open AMS or install it if not already available.
3. Add sender account details in AMS.
4. Configure SMTP settings in AMS.
5. Load email lists (leads) into AMS.
6. Compose your scam email, specifying the subject and content.
7. Initiate the spamming process by clicking "Send" in AMS.

Spamming Via PHP Mailer:

This method also consists of two parts:

1. Uploading scam pages via CPanel.
2. Spamming using PHP Mailer.

Since Part 1 is identical to the method mentioned above, let's focus on Part 2: Spamming from PHP Mailer.

1. Assume that the scam page has been successfully uploaded.
2. Begin spamming using PHP Mailer.

Here's how:

1. Fill in the sender email address (e.g., no-reply@paypal.com).
2. Leave the reply-to box blank or fill it if you wish to receive replies.
3. Specify the subject of your scam email.
4. Insert the scam page code in the message center.
5. Enter the name of the institution you're impersonating (e.g., BOA for Bank of America).
6. Add your email list to the email database.
7. Select HTML format and click "Send."

Advantages of Mailer over AMS:

1. Cost-effective as it eliminates the need for RDP.
2. Faster than the AMS method.

Advantages of AMS over Mailer:

1. Time-saving as leads don't need to be loaded repeatedly.
2. SMTPs are less secure compared to mailers, allowing for higher spam volumes.

In conclusion, while both methods have their advantages, it's crucial to employ certain strategies for successful spamming:

1. Use IP SMTP with high limits.
2. Utilize clean, self-made scam pages to avoid blacklisting.
3. Avoid using genuine domains when spamming (e.g., use no-reply@paypal.co.us.com instead of no-reply@paypal.com).

Remember, engaging in spamming activities is illegal and unethical, and individuals should refrain from participating in such activities.