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(I utilized this technique today to get $50 Amazon Gift voucher and $50 Google Play Gift voucher)

1. Go to the google play/Application Store and download the Get Prizes application.
2. Make a record and whenever provoked, utilize the reference code 3H7JEW for a 2,000 point reward when you complete your most memorable sweep.
3. When you make your record (On the off chance that you weren't provoked for a reference code, go to the "Me" Tab, and go to Reference code, and put that code in.
4. Then, you need to go to https://expressexpense.com/
5. When you get to that site, look down to where you see "Organized Receipt" and snap on that.
6. When you're there, you can put anything store you need (I suggest Walmart) and afterward put a phony location, date, and so on.
7. Return to the get rewards application and take a gander at every one of the Great Remunerating buys will give you
8. Duplicate the name of the thing in exactly the same words, alongside the expected measure of things you should purchase, and make a phony cost for it on the site.
9. From that point forward, rehash the eighth step again and again until you have no less than 10-15 things on your receipt and snap Produce RECEIPT
10. Go to your get rewards application and press the camera to snap a photo of the receipt and get your focuses

With this technique, I had the option to get about 25,000 focuses ($25) quickly.
With it, I reclaimed a $25 dominos pizza gift voucher and requested myself a huge pizza with a beverage for nothing. I recommend you look at this in light of the fact that its a straightforward and quick strategy to make yourself some cash. They additionally offer present cards for places like Best Purchase, amazon, target, and so on so its WORTH The effort.

*NOTE: IT Requires 3 DAYS TO Get A Gift voucher AFTER YOU HAVE Utilized YOUR Focuses Yet On the off chance that YOU HAVE ANOTHER Gadget, YOU CAN Rehash Everything OVER TO Continue To get MORE CARDS AND MORE MONEY*