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Verified Seller Topic Selling Paypal, Payoneer,Ban
Verified Seller
Premium User

Get a usa cvv with Ssn , Mmn & Dob.
Now get the background check of cc owner ( their are a lot of sites which are offering these services).

May be you guys heard of Credit Reports . Now what I will say is little tricky , hope you will get it easily . You get your self register at 3 sites offering credit report like CreditReport.com
Free Credit Report & History | FreeCreditReport.com?Official

Annual Credit Report.com - Home Page

These sites are for example only , you can search for more on google . Now get your self registered at all three websites at the same time . Once you put all the info , they will ask you trick questions . Normally all 3 of them will ask you same question . Now capture the screen of all 3 websites with any good screen capture software .

Obviously you don't know the answers of the questions they will ask , so here we begin . Go to the first website and put random answers in their . After that take a screen shot of screen to remember what answers u gave . After that click Submit button and see what it says . If it says that you are verified then it means its done . You don't need to do anything else with other credit report websites . But if it says Wrong answers then leave this website and go the 2nd one . Here questions are almost same . Check the screen shot of last website to see what answers you put for the questions , and then put different answers after that take the screen shot again and click submit . Wait and see what the web page says , If it says you are verified then its done , otherwise do the same procedure again with the 3rd one . The third one will work 100 % because you know what are the answers of questions .

Now go to money-gram website , Register an account their with cc owner info . Off course you
need a USA phone number for this job . After that you come to Payment page .. And you know what money gram will ask you the same questions which you have already answered in credit reports .... So answer the question and make the transfer