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Amazon Carding Method 2022
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It is no secret that people of color experience a lot of bias in the United States towards things such as healthcare, criminal justice, and other areas in which they are more likely to encounter certain obstacles than their white counterparts. Whether it be due to these biases affecting a person’s way of thinking about the world or due to discrimination being the reason for the biases. People have been attempting to come up with ways around this as well as how to combat them. One method that has been used is called “carding.” The concept of carding is somewhat similar to the process of calling a business in order to verify your identity but instead of physically walking through it, you use verbal communication. Nowadays, there are many different methods of carding that I am going to show you all along with some suggestions on each one so that you may choose the right one for you as well as my personal experiences in using them.

As mentioned previously, I have found carding to be extremely effective as a means of combating some of the common issues that occur to Black Americans, especially since it is free. My experience while using this process was pretty simple but it involved quite a bit of paperwork. What happened is I wanted to take advantage of all the benefits of having access to medical insurance that we have currently, but the biggest issue that arose after the initial testing was when the billing company would not accept payments as the person in question did not receive any money. Thus, it meant that we had to go into another state just to get our account reinstated. Not only because of this but also because they did not want us to pay for another service which could be that of transportation or groceries but in a few states like Florida that does appear to happen. All these factors led me to try to work out why the company wouldn't accept the payment and what it said in response.

This kind of information can help you make an educated decision in the future and even help you find some new employment opportunities, particularly if you are going to need a second job for yourself later. Thus, I found myself doing a ton of paperwork that seemed almost ridiculous.

The good news here is that this actually worked out surprisingly well. While the process took away from me a lot of time and resources, it was still worth it as I was able to see the first results within 48 hours. However, if someone were to call it back, they would have to wait until two weeks later when they got to check again. I tried calling every month but didn't really see where exactly they came from. So, it's quite ironic that someone even thought to call it back and find out if the person received the money that day. In fact, they probably never ever called it back and it just took them longer than expected.

Also, as explained above, the company did not want to give cards to people who don't already have one as it was hard for anyone to convince them otherwise and there were a variety of reasons where they couldn't get a credit in their bank account. But overall, I think that this method is highly commendable, although I do feel that it is mainly used for people of color and I would personally advise that people who identify themselves as non-American should not partake in the whole process.
Just because they don't exist in the country should not mean that they know nothing and should not have their own reasons to deny services to others.

My next suggestion is to find a mentor who can explain the process and the advantages of cards. For those of you who have not yet heard of this, mentors are basically people who have gone through the same thing that they are now encouraging everyone else to take part in. Mentors are usually old friends who have helped guide you further down the path so that if you decide to go though the process again you will be able to benefit financially and if you choose to go for a career change, you can get the training in order quickly and easily. Some examples of mentors for the Hispanic community that I have personally worked with and appreciated are Tony Barlow (Singer), Lequita Rodriguez (Dancer) and Jayda Rivera (Dancer).
This particular mentor has done wonders for both his peers as well as himself by sharing how he gained confidence with his classmates and also by giving advice and tips on how to gain over 100 pounds in three months. And with Jayda being in the dance industry she can tell you all kinds of valuable pieces of advice concerning health, careers and diet. Having a mentor can be super beneficial because it gives you the ability to learn from someone who knows exactly what they are talking about and then gives you the chance to ask questions which may lead to some interesting answers. If you are still unsure of whether this is worth the effort to go through the whole process, I can recommend reading Jayda's article on Youtube which explains everything you need to know in a much easier way, which makes it easy for people to understand even when it seems that something is challenging. After watching her videos, try contacting Jayda directly as well to see if she would be willing to answer other people's questions as well and most importantly, make sure that she is open to hearing your concerns. I hope that this is the best option for you to choose and I will see you at the end of this post so that we can continue this journey together!