Carding is a sort of credit card fraud when prepaid cards or gift cards are charged using a stolen credit card. Store-branded gift cards are regularly bought by thieves so that they can use them to make purchases that can be later exchanged for cash or sold to others.
This type of credit card theft is carried out by people known as "carders." A hacker with access to the credit card processing software of a store or website can assemble a list of recently used credit or debit cards.
Hackers may be able to use security software and technology weaknesses to access credit card accounts. The scanning of magnetic cards could also yield credit card information.
This type of credit card theft is carried out by people known as "carders." A hacker with access to the credit card processing software of a store or website can assemble a list of recently used credit or debit cards.
Hackers may be able to use security software and technology weaknesses to access credit card accounts. The scanning of magnetic cards could also yield credit card information.