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Extreme Hot Seller ( Westernunion ) Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Tesco method

Firstly you want to get 2 CC's , you need one non VBV cc, I usually use a card with the bin 400344,
and another card that can be ANY bin as we are going to be using this over the phone,
just make sure its good and will have enough balance for your order.
Go to tesco.com, make an account if you dont already have one.
Add £5-£10 worth of stuff to your cart and checkout, use the non VBV card to pay use cardholders name as the name
and your delivery address as billing, the order will go through because is low ( use a real phone number on the
Now go back to your orders, click the order and AMEND ORDER.. Add everything you want to order up to £250-£350
and then checkout, you wont need to pay again as you passed security the first time when you put through the low order,
your order is made. 2 hours before delivery, you will receive a call on the number you used at checkout only IF the card
has died. If the card had balance and order went through, you wont need the 2nd cc but if first declined they will phone
you, tell you the card declined and all you do is ask to pay with your other card, get your 2nd CC and tell them card
nom exp and cvv over the phone and the payment will go through as they key it in. If they ask name or postcode of
cardholder, tell them same as delivery address.