P*rn Section Rules:
- Everything that's posted in this section is about P*rn and for members that are older than 18+ years of age.
- Make sure all images/videos links are working before posting .
- No content is saved on forums servers. They are uploaded to third party service providers and only shared here via links.
- Not allowed to share public P*rn content that is already available to view on P*rn sites e.g XVideos, XNXX, etc..
- Not allowed to post P*rn of underage children. No content under 18 years of age.
- Not allowed to re-post content already posted by other members.
- Animal, Cartoon P*rn is not allowed.
- No fake or photo shopped content. Make sure the content is real before posting.
Make sure to follow these rules before posting.
- Everything that's posted in this section is about P*rn and for members that are older than 18+ years of age.
- Make sure all images/videos links are working before posting .
- No content is saved on forums servers. They are uploaded to third party service providers and only shared here via links.
- Not allowed to share public P*rn content that is already available to view on P*rn sites e.g XVideos, XNXX, etc..
- Not allowed to post P*rn of underage children. No content under 18 years of age.
- Not allowed to re-post content already posted by other members.
- Animal, Cartoon P*rn is not allowed.
- No fake or photo shopped content. Make sure the content is real before posting.
Make sure to follow these rules before posting.