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How To Card Dell.com 2023 - Laptop Carding Method By TheVcarder


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How to Obtain a Dell Laptop (through Card)

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A - If You Just Wish To Place One Order With One Cvv2 (That Is Legitimate and Virgin Of Course!!)

1st, make sure the credit card is valid. Next, visit www.showmyip.com.

to confirm that you are in the United States. If everything is well, go to:

www.dell4me.com or The Power To Do More | Dell on the Dell official website

Choose Your Item ( Under 450 ) 17 to 19-inch LCD monitors are acceptable as well.

Jukeboxes will be delivered.

* Verify that the item is in stock to avoid delays or the possibility of order cancellation.

2- After clicking "Add to Cart," proceed to "Check Out," where you'll be prompted to either create a new user account or sign in if you already have one ( Sign Up For A New Account )

3- On the sign-up page, enter the first and last name associated with your drop as the account's first and last name, along with a valid email address and password.

4- Your first and last names from the sign-up page will be stored on the shipping info page, where you can add your address and other information.

*Note: The billing phone also functions as the shipping address, so you don't need to provide a working phone number.

5. Choose the Quickest Shipment Option (Next Day Air ) Also, 2nd Day Air will work, but Be Sure The Total Isn't More Than 470-480 $

6- Delete the stored shipping information from the billing page. Then, add the billing information, which must match that in the bank (verify that the credit card is fully valid). THE BILLING PHONE NUMBER IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART HERE.

which must match that which is stored with the bank because this number is used for verification ( not calling the cardholder , but to verify the info with the bank )

7. Avoid selecting any limits on the billing page.

7- Don`t Choose Any Limit In The Billing Page ( Choose:No Limit )

Click Submit !!


*First, be aware that using this method could land you in hot water if you send these things to your own residence. Morecover, the packages could be returned to the shipper before you even get them.

1- Use the first method to place a single order with just one CC. You'll receive two emails from Dell (Dell Order Acknowledgement and Dell Order Confirmation) after placing your order.

In 10 to 30 minutes, check the progress of your order. Proceed to the following step IF YOU SEE (In-Production Or Pre-Production).

2. Place a second order, but keep the total under $480.

3. Complete all earlier steps. (Retaining Your Credit Card Information Will Make the Mission Easier)

Repeat this as many times as the credit card company will allow.

5. Avoid placing any orders if the status of the previous order isn't ( In-Production OR Pre-Production )

6- They Will Cancel All Orders If They Suspect One Of Them. Naturally, using next-day shipping will reduce the likelihood of having items returned to the shipper.