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Staff Member

To excel as a pro carder, you'll need the following:

- Cache cleaning software like CClearner
- Socks 5 IP Address
- A collection of active emails – Google Mail, Yahoo Mail, and Outlook (ensure they are your own)
- Virtual Machine – Virtual Box or VMWare Workstation
- CVV or Account details
- User Agent/ Finger Print Spoofing Tools – FraudFox / AntiDetect Browsers


The process for carding or purchasing items remains consistent:

1. Prepare your CVV and Account Details, verify the location (City and Country).
2. Activate VPN – Choose the same country and nearest city available.
3. Launch Virtual Machine (Virtual Box) with Windows installed.
4. Initiate Socks5 through Proxy Manager and match the victim's location or the closest city.
5. Confirm that your IP is not blacklisted (BL Check).
6. Utilize User Agent/ Finger Print Spoofing Tools (FraudFox / AntiDetect).
7. Configure the User Agent/ Finger print Spoofing tools.
8. Adjust your system time to match the victim's time zone.
9. Employ CClearner to clear all existing cache.
10. Flush the DNS cache by accessing Run>typing “CMD”>entering the command “ipconfig/flushdns”.
11. Open the Internet Browser (FireFox).
12. Validate your identity at Whoer or Check2IP to ensure all your information is accurate.
13. Initiate your carding process.
14. During the process, you might require email addresses for user information; use commonly used emails such as GMail, Yahoo Mail, and Outlook Mail and input the carder’s information.
15. Completion!

These steps are applicable to any carding activity. Additionally, you can explore numerous free tutorials on this site to gain insights into what you can purchase.

Happy Carding!