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The following are the precise actions that a carder might do during a carding attack. Keep in mind that these are the fundamental procedures for carding.

By hacking a website or payment system, using a black market, or both, an attacker can get a list of stolen credit card numbers. In either scenario, the attacker gets a list of credit card numbers that have been stolen. Frequently, their calibre is unknown.
A bot is used by the attacker to carry out a number of low-value transactions on different payment platforms. Every attempt verifies the validity of the card information by comparing the card number to the payment policies of the business.
Before accurate payment card information is collected, thousands of credit card validation attempts are conducted.

Cards that have been sold to organised crime organisations or used in additional crimes are retained on a different list.
A victim of credit card fraud very rarely is fully uninformed that their money has been taken and used against their will.
These are the steps that a carding attack usually takes. This can be done through swiping gift cards, as well as by applying for credit and loans.