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Help for stuffer or how to work without drops


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Non-profy wrote the article with no specific objectives other than to be observed.

I was conversing with the stuffer about drops while I was sitting. I heard that it is difficult to find cardable shops these days, and that it is dying as newcomers try without any background. Mainly: How challenging it is to locate drops for things.

The bulk.
I was therefore intrigued by his last remarks on drops. Is it really so challenging? And in truth, it's not true. I have a half-worth day's of ideas. And another half for further information. We'll talk about the USA as the most favoured nation.
Let's start. The most trustworthy drop is the one who doesn't suspect that he's dropping, according to what is known (at least to me - from my practise). To put it another way, the guy was duped into thinking that all of his acts were motivated by his own wishes.
Drop-projects are the first thing that we frequently consider. However, they are far too common, and the majority of decent citizens are already aware of them. Many Americans are already in fits of hysteria after viewing the sign "Honest workers wanted!" We don't need it; we need happy, healthy Americans!" Because of this, starting a new drop-project is challenging and expensive. However, we desire a simpler and more affordable world.

Second thought:Online auctions
That was the thought that came to mind when I thought of stuffing. Everyone is aware that you may purchase affordable items there. We don't require it, though. We'll keep in mind that there are those who wish to sell as well as those who want to buy. One buy leads to another sell. for payment. We require buyers, or persons who want to purchase. You see what I mean? No? So awful... Okay, let's go on.

Third thought that incorporate the first and second. So let's say that an American is looking online for a good deal on a laptop for his son to receive for Christmas. And we are able to obtain it (I mean, card it). However, we lack a reliable individual who would take it and pay us in honest American currency. Why therefore can't we assist the American's son in receiving a laptop for Christmas? Let's spread goodwill throughout the world!)) Got?)

For those who are still in the dark, go to a factory and work. You don't need to think; just stand there and follow their instructions.
So I'll go over it again step by step just in case.
1. We profit greatly from auctions. It must be material that a carder can handle. Seller then is stuffer.
2. The American contacts the seller after winning the lot. Additional discussion and gonorrhoea for service)
3. The stuff is carded with this American's name and address. Of course, telling Americans about historical events is not required.