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Escrow for TheVcarder Wu transfer

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Hello escrow I want to make a deal with TheVcarder with involve you. Now I need your btc address for payment.
Deal details: westernunion $2000 for $270.
How much is your fee?
Hello escrow I want to make a deal with TheVcarder with involve you. Now I need your btc address for payment.
Deal details: westernunion $2000 for $270.
How much is your fee?
Welcome For The First Deal, And The First Time Deal No Need Escrow Service Fee.
Details Of Payment Has Been Sent To Your Inbox.
Mtcn and sender information has been sent to your inbox notify me when you receive your money then release my payment also update my feedback thank you
This experience was great for me, and I realized that not everyone is the same because I was already very angry with people who cheated on me.

Payment Has Been Released to The Seller Thanks for Choosing our Escrow Service.
Grate work TheVcarder.
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