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CocoaDebug - iOS Debugging Tool by carders forum 2021


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iOS Debugging Tool

Shake to hide or show the black bubble. (support both device and simulator)
Long press the black bubble to show UIDebuggingInformationOverlay. (Apple's Private API, support iOS 10/11/12)
Application memory usage and FPS.
List all print() and NSLog() messages which have been written by developer in Xcode. (optional)
List of all the network requests sent by the application. (optional)
List crash errors. (optional)
Share network details via email or copy to clipboard when you are in the Network Details page.
Copy logs. (long press the text, then select all or select copy)
Search logs by keyword.
List application and device informations, including: version, build, bundle name, bundle id, screen resolution, device, iOS version
List all sandbox folders and files, supporting to preview and edit.
List HTML logs, including console.log(),console.debug(),console.warn(),console.error(),console. info(). (support both WKWebView and UIWebView). (optional)
Support JSON and Google's Protocol buffers


platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'YourTargetName' do
pod 'CocoaDebug', :configurations => ['Debug']