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CC to BTC cash out method From Carding forum


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First of all, you‘ll need to acquire ANON card with IBAN and ANON sim.

Quick reminder: now you have anonymous CC and sim, so don‘t forget to have anonymous computer as well. Use socks, change your mac, clean cookies/ flash cookies etc. Preferably, load your OS from VMware on external hard drive. If you are not familiar with that, read security articles. IT‘S IMPORTANT!

If you are anonymous as faceless&nameless man, you can move to next step.

STEP 1 – Creating verified paypal

Create a Paypal account and link ANON card and a bank account of the anonymous card using its IBAN. After a while, you will get two micro deposits from Paypal. Just simply enter the amounts and both your card and bank account will be activated, therefore your Paypal will become verified.

STEP 2 – Preparing donate button

I assume you’ve already have stolen CCs, otherwise get them now! Another trusted vendor is ISellPizza.

Okay, you’ve got pizzas, you’ve got verified Paypal, now you need some moneyz. Create a donation button on Paypal. Name the campaign No Shave November for Prostate cancer awareness or something. Be creative. Once you created donate button, open Email tab and copy the link.

STEP 3 – Getting the moneyz

Put your card holders mask and open the donation link. Use your pizzas as you would use on any other site. Don’t be too greedy, I’d suggest you donate small amounts e.g. 20-50 bucks per card. Once you're finished, withdraw the moneyz to your ANON card on Paypal.

STEP 4 – Prepare Liqpay profile

Register on liqpay with your ANON sim. Connect your ANON card with liqpay. $1 will be put on hold for 30 days. Fill your profile. Look legit. For the best result, create Gmail account and authorize it.

Step 5 – PROFIT

If your money is already withdrawn, then you are ready to transfer the money to your BTC address.


Any recommendations for cc?

It should be valid, of course.