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Cashing out cvv-buy E-Gift Cards


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I added the **** contact number in the hopes that you would get a quick response to your query in real time, but now I'm beginning to think that I made a big mistake. As I stated in the first posts of Carding School, carding is not a lottery ticket, it is not a get rich quick scheme, and it requires a lot of work and research. When you were in contact with me only via email, I thought that about 50% of you had a chance to become a carder. Guys, if you want to become wealthy right away with no investment of time or money, you have come to the wrong place. I noticed that many of you hope that a cvv will bring thousands of dollars, a dump will give you a king's lifestyle, and someone else will do your research. This won't happen, and you can't skip the steps in carding or any other job. Imagine that you need to make a cake. We are all aware that cakes traditionally call for ingredients like flour, eggs, and sugar and are baked in an oven.Will you be able to make a cake from the ingredients if you don't know the precise recipe, baking time, or any other instructions? You believe that if you preheat the oven, place the components in a baking dish, and bake them, you will obtain a delectable cake? I don't believe so. Well, in order to make a cake, you will need the correct ingredients and a step-by-step working method.Similar to carding, you'll need the right tools and the right method of cashing out. Today, I'll talk about cashing out CVV with e-gift cards.
As with any other way of cashing out, you must first prepare your "ingredients" or carding supplies.
You will require
1. VPN/RDP/VPS, for comprehensive internet security, to shield your IP.
2. Cardable online stores like Amazon, Bay, etc.
4. genuine CV
5. For large cash outs, use a spoof call service.
Once you've prepared your "ingredients," you can attempt purchasing e-gift cards using the CVV.
first step
Make sure your IP is masked by connecting to RDP (if you have it), the VPN (and a VPS, if you have one), and any other services you desire.
Step two
Apply the SOCKS on your Mozilla Firefox browser and look for a SOCKS in the same neighbourhood as the cvv holder's address. If you can't find one there, try looking in nearby cities.
Step three
Create two new email addresses: one for entering the card's CVV number into the online store, and the other for requesting the delivery of gift cards.
Here is a simple tip that is commonly known, but because this blog is for beginners, I will write it here.Use a domain like yahoo or hotmail, and create the first email using the cardholder's name for registration. For example, if Jane Smith is the cardholder, an email address like smith [email protected] will look good for the web store you plan to use for carding. For the second email, however, you must use a different name and NOT the cardholder's name.
4th action
Launch Mozilla and navigate to the website of the store you plan to use for carding. Create an account by entering the details of the CVV holder (name, address, state, and zip) and the email address you just created on the CVV holder name (from 3-rd step).
5th step
Try to act like a real customer by looking up the item you want to purchase (in this case, an e-gift card) and selecting it. I advise you to double-check that the cvv is valid and has enough funds to pay for the gift card.
6th step
To make your purchase appear genuine, don't rush to buy the e-gift card. Instead, take your time to write a personal message on it, such as "My dear friend (sister, mother, friend), I wish you all the best in this world, blaaa, blaaaa, bla.Sorry, I really didn't know what will be the best gift so I hope you will be happy to choose your favourite gift using this gift card." Add the gift card to your cart.
7th step
In the payment page,fill up the details of the cvv holder.Much care you should give on the phone number .Many carders give a fake phone number and this is the reason that their purchase request fail and they never get the gift cards.So,if you got the cvv holder phone number ,use that but change the last 2 digits or use the correct cvv holder phone number.
8th step
For gift cards with small value,like $100 the web-shop won't call for verification,but if you want to card gift cards with high value,then you will need to call the web-shop to confirm the purchase,before the web shop call the cvv holder.So here is the way to do this.Go to a spoof call service web site and purchase some credits with cvv.Then use your pre-paid sim (phone sim) to spoof your phone number and call the web-shop from where you try to puchase the gift cards.You must move fast,so if you intend to purchase high value gift cards,get spoof call credits before start carding for gift cards.
Exactly after you post the e-gift cards purchase order call the web shop and confirm with them the order,using the cvv holder details.I think is not necessary to say but...you have to be able to speak perfectly the cvv holder language!
9th step
If everything goes good,you will receive first a mail about your order details.Then you will receive a second e-mail "your order was successful completed! "So this mean that your gift cards are on the way to your second e-mail address.Check your second e-mail address,at this point in the Inbox folder shell be a mail containing your gift cards.
Once you received the gift cards,go to the web shop and open a new account,make it look genuine!
Upload the gift cards into the new account and start shopping!
An other way to use the gift cards is to re-sale them.And some other way is........hmmmm,to tell or not to tell?!?
to be continued,so keep reading.