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Greetings everyone! Today, we're excited to share a method with you that allows you to acquire an Apple MacBook Pro in 2024

Throughout our testing, we successfully obtained two MacBook Pros using this method. While it bears similarities to previous methods, there have been some adjustments to enhance its effectiveness.

Without delay, let's dive into it.

First and foremost, to ensure smooth sailing, here's what you'll need:

- A Personal Computer (We used Windows 10, though mobile devices haven't been tested)
- Cleaning Tools (CCleaner and BleachBit worked well for us)
- VPN (We utilized a multi-hop VPN, but feel free to use your preferred option)
- Socks5 (VIP72 was our choice due to difficulties with obtaining clean IPs from 911.re)
- Email Address (Under the CC holder's name; check our guide on creating one using Gmail)
- Skype Account (Created using CC holder's details)
- High-Quality CC (Ensure it's reliable; consider obtaining one from reputable sources)

Let's begin by clearing cookies and caches on your computer using CCleaner and BleachBit. Take a moment to relax, perhaps with a cigarette or a refreshing drink, as you prepare to embark on this journey to card an Apple product.


Navigate to "Apple.com" and select your desired product from the top navigation header. In our case, we opted for a MacBook Pro, but feel free to choose any other Apple product that suits your needs.

It's crucial to ensure your CC covers the cost of the selected item. Keep this in mind as you proceed.


Thoroughly review the features of your selected product. Compare different models within the same product line, such as Mac Pro versus Mac Air, and consider various specifications and configurations.

Additionally, take note of any freebies offered with your product. Approach this step as a genuine customer, investing time in researching the best options available.


With your research complete, add the desired products to your cart and proceed to checkout.

During checkout, you may choose to mark the purchase as a gift, as we did. Follow the prompts and select your shipping preferences, including delivery options and associated costs.


Enter your shipping address and postcode/zip code. Select a store from the provided options and save your selection.


During this step, Apple will request your shipping address. Instead of providing your own address, input the billing address of the CC holder for shipment.

Ensure to bypass Apple's Address Verification System (AVS) by providing the shipping receiver's name as the CC holder's name. For shipment notifications, use a spoofed phone number derived from the CC number with slight modifications.


Proceed with credit card payment, entering the CC information. When prompted to create an account, use the previously created email under the CC holder's name.

Opt for standard shipping to avoid raising suspicion. If your CC is of high quality, valid, and has sufficient balance, the order should go through, and you'll receive a confirmation email.


Summon your confidence and call the selected store via the Skype account you created. Request that the item be treated as a gift for a family member's birthday and provide your drop address for shipment.

Maintain a confident demeanor during the call to avoid raising suspicions.


Exercise patience and refrain from excessive checking of your order status within the first 16 hours after carding. Logging in multiple times or frequent order tracking can alert Apple to suspicious activity.

If you've diligently followed each step, congratulations! You've successfully carded an Apple product of your choice.

In the event of order denial, review your actions to identify potential mistakes, such as using a low-quality CC or displaying lack of confidence during the phone call.

Best of luck, and we'll see you on the other side!