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Botnet service


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Premium User
Forum Elite
Features: - Strong Layer 3, 4, and 7.
- TCP Bypass and UDP Bypass (most game servers and programmes are killed)
- Bypass OVH UAM, Pipeguard, ArvanCloud, Blazingfast, Sucuri WAF, and Cloudflare reCAPTCHA & hCaptcha (custom pages as well).
+ Support for GET and POST with post data and %RAND%.
-10,000 distinct IP addresses per attack
- SOCKET and HTTP modes
– Browser-like requests (headless)
- The Ratelimit bypass mode
- Bypassing geoblocks (multiple origins, korea, hong kong, china, etc)
Low cost and many of slots (attack space) are available
Access to an API is optional. Automatic payments
• Capable of attacking.onion websites
- UDP bypass with OVH (ts3, samp, arma, rust, etc)
- Concurrent 1M pps and over 100k rqps (stack-able)

Cloudflare recaptcha and hcaptcha may both be avoided, but HTTP mode cannot.
Can skip most JS obstacles, as well as the cloudflare recaptcha and hcaptcha.
The majority of JS challenges as well as UAM, captcha, and recaptcha are still ignored by HTTP mode.
Still, socket mode sends many http requests every second.

The REGULAR network's AVERAGE power for 1 CONCURRENT is: - 100K RQPS (Layer 7) - 1M pps (Around 700 Gbps depending on method)

The total power output increases as you send more concurrents.