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Staff Member
Below is a procedure outlining the steps for making purchases on https://mmorpgrs.store/:

1. Ensure your PC/Laptop is clean using "CCleaner + Bleachbit."
2. Change your MAC Address.
3. Activate your VPN.
4. Create an Email Account (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail).
5. Activate SOCKS5 to match the area of the CC holder's address (911.re or VIP72).
6. Verify your IP matches the CC owner's address and is whitelisted with a 100/100 score on Whoer.net.
7. Visit https://mmorpgrs.store and choose the desired item for purchase.
8. Add the item to your Cart.
9. Proceed to Checkout.
10. Enter your email and drop details for shipping, then continue to Shipping.
11. Continue to Payment.
12. Input CC details and select "Use a Different Billing Address" for the CC Billing address.
13. Complete the payment by clicking "Pay Now."

After payment, refrain from contacting the site to expedite the order. If the site contacts you, delay your response by a few hours at least. If asked about an address conflict, provide a plausible explanation such as sending it to your ex-wife's address for your son's birthday.

With practice, these steps become routine.