DarkStash Support and Advertisement Telegram: @DarkStashMaster
Jabber : [email protected]

⭐⭐⭐ VERTEXGRAM - THE BEST IN PROMOTION (Full range of services in telegram) ⭐⭐⭐



Greetings, dear friends, we are engaged in telegram promotion, we have more than 4 years of experience.
We are glad to present you our services. We are ready to start working with reputable users of this forum post-payment*

Our Contacts
Telegram channel
: @Vertexgram (https://t.me/vertexgram)
Support: @Vertex_gram (https://t.me/Vertex_gram)
Site: Vertexgram.com

? Chats with tracking
1 year - $20 (suitable for white projects with a target audience not prone to complaints)
2 years - $30 (suitable for gray themes)
3 years - $40 (for black themes and crypt)

? Cheat bots (high quality)
1k bots - 5$

✈️ Invite
1000 - 40$
10 000 - 380$
100,000 - 3500$

? Mailing via personal messages
1000 messages - 50$
10,000 messages - $470
100,000 messages - $4300

? Distribution to chats
20 chats - 80$
30 chats - 100$
40 chats - 120$
50 chats - 130$

? Audience parsing when ordering - free

*The service reserves the right to refuse service or post payment