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  1. TROXStealer

    [TROX Stealer] - Revolutionary stealer designed to steal data and transfer securely and seamlessly

    TROX Stealer Introducing our revolutionary stealer designed to steal data and transfer securely and seamlessly! - Bypass anti-viruses undetected scantime & runtime - Steal Cookie, Password, History, Autofill, Bookmark, Credit Card information - Steal Discord token information - Steal...
  2. TROXStealer

    [TROX Stealer] - Revolutionary stealer designed to steal data and transfer securely and seamlessly

    TROX Stealer Introducing our revolutionary stealer designed to steal data and transfer securely and seamlessly! - Bypass anti-viruses undetected scantime & runtime - Steal Cookie, Password, History, Autofill, Bookmark, Credit Card information - Steal Discord token information - Steal...
  3. CarderEmpire

    KeyLoggers For Noobs!!

    #### What are Keyloggers? Keyloggers, short for keystroke loggers, are a type of surveillance software or hardware designed to record keystrokes on a keyboard. This data can include login credentials, credit card numbers, personal messages, and other sensitive information. Keyloggers can be...
  4. CarderEmpire

    Stealers Collect banking Information with Malware

    #### What are Stealers? Stealers, often referred to as password stealers, are a type of malware specifically crafted to harvest confidential data from infected systems. This data typically includes: 1. **Login Credentials**: Usernames and passwords for various online services such as email...
  5. C

    Spamming 101

    Exploring Spamming Techniques Have you ever pondered how individuals acquire access to bank logs, cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, PayPal accounts, credit card details, email addresses, and various online accounts? Look no further, as I'll provide a brief overview and offer insights on mastering the...