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  1. M

    2 transfers deal with TheVcarder westernunion

    Escrow required Payment option usdt Westernunion each transfer $2500 for total payable amount $660
  2. M

    Two transfers deal wu

    Escrow give me wallet. Westernunion each $2500 with TheVcarder for $300 Total $660.
  3. M

    Wu 2 transfers with TheVcarder

    Escrow good morning i want btc address for TheVcarder offer wu $2500 for $350 each transfer.
  4. M

    4 westernunion transfers from TheVcarder payable amount $1600

    Escrow need your involvement ones again in this deal, westernunion 4 transfers deal with TheVcarder, and each transfer $3500 and now I'm ready to pay $1600.
  5. M

    Numbers of 3 westernunion deal with TheVcarder

    Hello escrow give me your wallet of usdt total payment $600 each transfer value is $2000.