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  1. linz0988

    Top Selling No1 Wester union Transfer and Cashapp Seller Legit Service, First Check Out My Feedback, Best Carding Forum All Time.

    444-754-8182 436-948-2853 Total received $4000 10/10 would recommend to anyone. Trustworthy AAA++ ❤️❤️❤️
  2. linz0988

    2x transfers wu

    Escrow release payment vc see you on next month bro thanks alot.
  3. linz0988

    2x transfers wu

    444-754-8182 436-948-2853 10/10 legit and i would recommend to anyone. Trustworthy AAA++
  4. linz0988

    2x transfers wu

    0.02241 btc sent escrow thia value.
  5. linz0988

    2x transfers wu

    Hi escrow ready with btc $600, now provide me your address for westernunion transfer 2x mtcn on same time thank. Seller TheVcarder.
  6. linz0988

    Top Selling No1 Wester union Transfer and Cashapp Seller Legit Service, First Check Out My Feedback, Best Carding Forum All Time.

    Excellent service i received my 4976$ in both transfers by westernunion like a bitch. 100% trusted feedback. First mtcn: 764-811-6992 Second mtcn: 836-168-1498
  7. linz0988

    Westernunion from TheVcarder

    Release payment by my side. Escrow release payment as soon as possible.
  8. linz0988

    Westernunion from TheVcarder

    Excellent service by both side TheVcarder and escrow. Funds received. First mtcn: 764-811-6992 Second mtcn: 836-168-1498
  9. linz0988

    Westernunion from TheVcarder

    Need confirmation of my payment.
  10. linz0988

    Westernunion from TheVcarder

    Sent escrow can you check your wallet again.
  11. linz0988

    Westernunion from TheVcarder

    2 transfers deal with TheVcarder wu $2500 each. Payment option usdt. $650 including your fee.
  12. linz0988

    Top Selling No1 Wester union Transfer and Cashapp Seller Legit Service, First Check Out My Feedback, Best Carding Forum All Time.

    100% Guaranteed Trusted Seller, Best Seller In Carding World He did $3. 5k wu transfer intantly after payment confirm and it's my bad for update late this deal feedback. Thanks alot "vc" ???
  13. linz0988

    400$ payment escrow for TheVcarder please 10/6/23

    Payment released from my side. Love TheVcarder + escrow.
  14. linz0988

    400$ payment escrow for TheVcarder please 10/6/23

    Ok vc give you update after receiving.
  15. linz0988

    400$ payment escrow for TheVcarder please 10/6/23

    Westernunion transfer 3500$ Escrow need btc wallet please.
  16. linz0988

    Top Selling No1 Wester union Transfer and Cashapp Seller Legit Service, First Check Out My Feedback, Best Carding Forum All Time.

    its amazing to work with him. im very happy to have $3500 now im wondering to make another transaction with him but problem is monthly limitation. don't hesitate trading with this dude. A+++++++++++++++ Your tracking number (MTCN) 312-858-5969